I look at my body as my temple. My body is my vehicle of Consciousness. It's my physical dimension vehicle of Being. We tend to take for granted our body because we are so lost in our thoughts, that we project and project outwards. As a result of this outward projection to the world of appearances, we ignore everything taking place in the eternal 'Now" and we take advantage of our bodies and pollute it with processed foods and put extra stress on it, by pushing our bodies to limits that it is simply not capable over the long term of whether at the workplace or in other areas of life.
Our bodies evolved in a way that are not designed for some of the stuff we do to it today. There is a reason that chronic diseases are at an incredible high in this day and age. It's stress on the body. Even if disease does not manifest immediately, it often does later in life because it's not the way our bodies were to designed to live.
Experience is our greatest purpose. But, experience can be anything. It doesn't mean you have to jump out of an airplane nor does it mean you have to attain the most successful job in the world. Experience can be something as subtle as growing and evolving as a Soul Perspective from a relationship with a friend, experiencing the heartbreak of a break up, or the grieving of a lost relative, moving to a new city, learning a musical instrument, starting a new exercise program, taking a different route to work, sleeping in the nude, or going outside of your comfort zone to take on a new hobby. Or it can be all of these which serve the ultimate purpose of growth. As long as there is an opportunity for reflection meaning seeing yourself through another person/object, growth can take place.
Consider that what we are, is One Energy, One Awareness and One God. There is only one 'entity' in actual existence. In order for there to be something to experience, there has to be more than one thing existing. So, this One Consciousness imagines itself to be separate perspectives. It does this prior to physical incarnation. Then, each perspective incarnates into physicality to experience what we now have as Derek, Mary, John, a tree, a bird, particle, cell, etc. But, in its imagination, none of its perspectives (while incarnated into physicality) know their true nature as this One Consciousness. However, now that there ARE multiple perspectives, there's the ability to have relationships. Relationships of all kinds are our biggest tools of growth and evolution and what physicality is all about. So, there is no God separate from you. You are God itself trying to remember who you are by utilizing physicality as a tool for experience. Experience equals growth/evolution of the perspective you are. Growth/Evolution equals growing/evolving your perspective to remember that your true nature always was this One Consciousness and was never anything, but that.
Therefore, the human body has evolved the way it has for certain purposes. Not caring for it, is missing the point of your existence here in physical incarnation. Your body is not meant to be a punching bag or an annoyance. Just like you drive a car to get from point A to point B, you need to care for your car or it won't work and therefore, you can't fulfill the experience you set out to do. Same goes for the human body.
It's kind of funny that when I travel on vacation (which I like to do at least once or twice a year), I plan out ahead of time how I'm going to be eating where I am traveling to. Are there healthy options in the area? Is there a whole foods where I can cook at least? And of course, many people think I'm nuts which is all good :)
It's not really their fault the way they are conditioned, it's just the way wellness is looked at in the modern consumerism world. Meaning, I don't follow any particular diet. It just seems that way because I choose to eat largely organic and GMO free which is the way we were designed to eat when we evolved as humans if you think about it. Just because I choose not to pollute my body with foods that it's not designed to eat, does not make eating habits restrictive. It means I understand my body's purpose here in physicality and what is and what is not nourishing for my body.
In an 'ideal world', there would only be healthy options to eat and therefore traveling would be incredibly easy, because there would always be healthy food at your finger tips. Yet, this is not an ideal world, but at the same time a midst all of this, everything is perfect the way it is, because the way it is now, creates a different web of experience/cause and effect. It's all a matter of how I and others (who choose to be healthier with our bodies), relate to this current consumerism paradigm in place.
So, you do what you can do and you don't stress it. What is....IS.