Tuesday, November 11, 2014


What is 'Oneness'? Man, that is quite a loaded term! Isn't it? 

It's actually not. When we try to conceptualize terms like 'Oneness' and 'Being', we end up back in that limited perspective of human mind which makes it seem loaded. But, when we go by our own experience, there is only Love. 

Understand that ego (the identification with mind) very much exists! There is no question that the ego perspective (which almost every person experiences for a good portion of their lives), exists for a purpose when we incarnate into these human bodies. From the greater perspective of Being, there is no right/wrong. Those are relative human terms. Life merely just 'Is'. Therefore, the ego perspective is in no way 'wrong'. It's just merely a limited perspective of our experience and it is beautiful just for that! Awakening, is when that perspective grows and grows and grows and grows and becomes more and more un-limited. We can never reach the Absolute while incarnated into these limited human bodies. However, our perspectives can widen in all directions to incorporate a more inclusive perspective of reality. 

Therefore, back to oneness. What is 'Oneness'? Are we all just stardust? Well, yes and no. However, this is a conceptual understanding of 'Oneness'. On the other hand, Being Oneness, without delving into the hard problem of Consciousness and other labels and definitions, is simply Being. Oneness is Pure Being, Pure Unconditional Love, Pure 'I am'. Life in human form is merely Being....human. Being exploring what it's like to be limited in this human form. There is only Being, but each of us as a unique conscious perspective of Source Being, creates, vibrates and expresses in a unique fashion. Ultimately, it's all a play in the seamless whole of Pure Love/Being. 

So, to experience Oneness, Just sit and Be with what is. Watch your thoughts, watch your emotions, allow anything and everything to be there fully and lovingly as they are. Embrace it all. Embrace everything, the fear and the happy thoughts. It's all part of YOU and your experience. This is YOU. This is Pure Being/Unconditional Love....which means.....Loving it all without conditions. You don't have to do anything to be Love because you are Love already. Even if you are incredibly lost in your thoughts and your mind, Love is still underneath that allowing it to be exactly as it is. You are unlimited at your core, but unlimited includes the limited. Anything that exists is valid in Pure Awareness. When we sit and simply allow life to happen and embrace it all....and I mean....it all....what's left over is simply Unconditional seamless Love. Love is the core of everything. Every good experience, every (perceived) bad experience. When there is only Love, where is the separation? It's just one seamless, whole experience that is co-created by everything and everyone together.

So, take a deep breath and dive on in to life. Or not. It's all good 

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