Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Blessed Be

Blessed Be all that's wrong
Blessed Be all that's right
For all of it is just as is
in the eyes of the Loving Light

Life is ever evolving
Life can never end
It's cyclical in nature
through every curve and bend

From every human being
to every drop of rain
to every flower growing
on every window pane

From every single particle
to every sunset night
your body too an opening
for expression of the light

Death a new beginning
A mere changing of the guard
to the ever evolving Energy
expressed in every card

One Love appears as many
And all within its wealth
One Love that knows that all of it
is merely JUST Itself.

Your truth you hold so tightly to
Your truth you can't let go
Until your world is shattered
and all your truths must go

Then you move towards opening
Then you move towards Peace
and see that separation
was merely just a tease

So, look at life with honesty
Look at life with Love
Understand it's all the same
As below is as Above

A little poem I wrote tonight pertaining to non-duality and the illusion that we are separate. 

The world doesn't need to be saved folks. A midst the craziness going on with the NYC police department here in NYC, There is intense anger, support of this side, support of that side, political agendas, religious posts. It's a fucking madhouse and I stay clearly away from it. But, it is what it is. When people are trapped in their limited beliefs about who they believe themselves to me, they will only perceive the world through the colored lens of those limited beliefs. We've all done it at one point or another including myself. 

Anyway, I'll leave you on that note tonight. 

Much love to you my brothers and sisters  


Thursday Night Somatic Journey

This ache, this yearning. This familiar pain right here in the middle of my abdomen. It burns across my chest and it feels like my chest is ...