Friday, November 21, 2014


Perception/experience is how I (as Being) am knowing myself in multiple limited ways. I/Being am always unlimited. How can that be known directly? Being simply IS. There is no restriction on simply Being. Allow experience to be. There is only unlimited potential. The only restrictions are through mental labels/concepts/definitions I apply to Being which in turn.....creates more limitation on what I actually AM. There is only knowing as everything as myself. Being is all there is from any and every potential perspective.

Knowing myself via this human body/mind is one limited way for me to know/express myself.  Yet, I am also knowing myself through Jane, Mark, Mary, Tom, the ocean, the hair on Derek's head, his organs, the cells in his body, through every tear drop of his, every breath of his, and every particle making up Derek's cells. Being IS. There is only Being.

 I am awakening to myself/AS myself through this human expression known collectively as Derek. I am learning about myself through/as this human expression known as Derek, but not only as Derek. When Derek's perspective is incredibly limited and even judgmental, I am still Being as I AM because I cannot be anything other than 'I AM'. When Derek's perspective becomes wider, I become more and more unlimited via the limited expression of Derek and therefore more aligned with a higher vibrational frequency closer to Pure Being. Even when the body of Derek becomes ill and sick, that is me becoming ill and sick because there is no separation between Derek's experience and my experience of I AM because they are one and the same! I AM Derek. I AM everything that Derek experiences, yet I AM.....not only limited to Derek. The more I allow in my experience through this human form and the less I resist, the more of my true nature comes to light as simply 'I AM'. Presence simply IS. There is only NOW! 

Some insight that came through tonight. Wanted to share. Now, try implementing that into your everyday experience. Not nearly as easy when ego takes over. It's all good though. Enjoy the ride of life. :) I recommend the I AM as a form of mantra in meditation.

Much love to all.

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