Wednesday, November 12, 2014

You are already liberated

Liberation is the freedom to know that nothing and I mean NOTHING in life can ever harm you. Sure, the body will go through changes and can be physically destroyed, but you can never be harmed.

But, most of us are too trapped in our minds to realize this at this point of our lives. Then how does liberation occur? I'll give you my own experience and let you decide from here going forward.

For years, I was trapped in my mind with stress, anxiety and even depression at times as I believed everything in my mind. I was only the story of my mind and nothing more. After reading Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth', it had a nice impact on me, but nothing earth shattering. It wasn't until I went through an intense period of suffering after the end of a dating situation. I created the image in my mind of an ideal romantic partner and when I met someone who I thought matched up perfectly to my idealistic image, I thought....this is it! I have found the one! When we went our separate ways, I was very distraught. The experience with this girl, led me to an intense path of spiritual searching because she too was a big fan of Eckhart Tolle, so spending some time with her made me delve back into Eckhart's teachings. One day, a few weeks later, I was laying on my bed watching an Eckhart Tolle video on anger when it finally hit me. I was the space for the anger as opposed to only the anger. Granted, I wasn't really angry at all at that point, but anger in Eckhart's example was a metaphor for the anxiety and stress I was dealing with at the time. Oh my! (in George Takei's voice) This was the most liberating thing I have ever, ever experienced. I was free from the ego perspective. None of my (perceived) enemies could ever harm me anymore. I was Existence itself! Love, Love, Love were the only words in my dictionary! What happened in that moment was that my perspective expanded so greatly to include all of my anxiety and stress that I realized, I no longer was just those things. I was that which allows all of those things to be there, but yet I was those things as well! I was all of it! Liberation and Love.

Later that week, I emailed the girl I had broken it off with to thank her for leading me to this experience. If it wasn't for her, I would not have gone so deeply down the spiritual path, nor would I have thought to watch Eckhart Tolle's videos and most of all, her experience with me led to such an intense period of suffering for me that I finally exploded with a revelation of pure Liberation which would come and go, come and go from then after.   

Point of all of this? Fear runs rampant in our lives. I have a lot of fears still as well, but I realize that I am not just my fears anymore. Love is what is. When fear becomes the primary energy frequency, it clouds that Love which lies underneath the fear and makes us feel limited (ego perspective). But, Love never truly leaves. Love is that which allows even fear to exist as it does. Love is Energy. Love is Awareness. It is unconditional. When fear is running the show, we believe that our lives are limited. We believe that we can only do this and that in our lifetimes within the confines of limitation, but in the back of our minds, that fear is still lingering like a cat waiting around the corner to pounce on a mouse. Most people tried to avoid their fears by escaping them, which seems logical, right?

No, that doesn't work I've found in my own experiences. Love, unconditionally is about embracing and including everything in our experience. When I embrace my fears and allow them to be as they are, when I realize that, what I am at my core is so unlimited and whole and complete, my goodness, it brings tears to my eyes to see how nothing at all can ever harm me as a whole. My mind and body can be harmed, but they are only parts of what I am. What I am at a greater level, is Pure Aware Being. Love is truly who and what I am. When I acknowledge this, I am absolutely liberated from that limited (ego perspective). Mind you, that doesn't mean that ego never rears its head. Of course it does! It's going to be with me until the death of this human body. At times it's very strong still. Sometimes much more so than others! However, the ego perspective has grown and grown and grown almost to the point of dissolving into the greater Beingness that I am. 

Point being....I've experienced the unlimited and Infinite blissful Self that I truly am. It's a matter of inclusion and embracing of our every moment in experience and loving every bit of it. 

Our Source (who we truly are) is an unconditionally loving Energy field of Pure Awareness. Therefore, Unconditional Love is truly who and what we are and we will realize this at the death of our physical bodies. But, because of conditioning, we believe we are limited and that too is perfectly fine! All perspectives are valid! Whether you awaken or not in this lifetime is perfectly, perfectly fine. What I am providing here is merely a context for those who want to Be as they truly are and end suffering. Allow experience to come and go exactly as it is. Let your fears be there and feel them and experience them to the fullest degree and embrace them lovingly as they are a part of you.  

Throw away concepts! Throw away all limiting ideas, definitions, and concepts about what Consciousness is and what it is not. 

Embracing all experience as it comes, is the only gateway to Unconditional Love. 

I send this to you with only Love. 

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