Monday, November 17, 2014

Perspectives upon Perspectives

Consider the following perspective. It is my own perspective. I don't claim it as truth, but as merely a perspective:

Experience is merely perspective if you think about it. 7 Billion or so people, along with animals, rocks, trees, particles, every cell in your body, bacteria etc all co-experiencing from different unique, perspectives to co-create what we call.....objectivity. Meaning.....objectivity is essentially....subjectivity. Blow your mind yet?

Experience is perception and perception is experience. Meaning, the only world we know is via our direct experience. Not just human experience though. All experience through every physical and non physical form in existence.

But, while in these human bodies, our perspectives will always be inherently limited. Therefore, anything and everything you do will affect anything and everything else, like the butterfly, not that movie :). All perspectives are inter-connected to co-create this energetic world of physicality.

My perspective might completely differ from Mary's perspective. However, I can never hope to fully understand Mary's perspective because her own unique perspective is just that....unique. When I try to impose my own beliefs upon Mary's perspective, I become more limited. When I can stand back and understand that Mary's perspective is Mary's perspective which stems from Mary's own life experiences, regardless of whether I agree or not with her, then I become less limited in my allowance of Mary's perspective to be as it is in Love and my vibration raises to a higher frequency. That is true compassion and empathy.

So, if this entire universe is merely perspectives upon perspectives, then how can we claim one perspective more right than another perspective? It's only our limited understanding (myself included) of who and what we are that claims as such, not grasping that we are all just experiencing through these limited entities finding our way back to Love which is our home. Open your perspective up to Pure Being and stop limiting yourself so much through judgement and defining of others and life itself and come to understand that defining and labels only limit your potential into the Unlimited.

Here's a couple of cool quotes which detail our limited views on Consciousness from two near death survivors:

"So creation is God exploring God's Self through every way imaginable, in an ongoing, infinite exploration through every one of us. Through every piece of hair on your head, through every leaf on every tree, through every atom, God is exploring God's Self, the great "I am". I began to see that everything that is, is the Self, literally, your Self, my Self. Everything is the great Self. That is why God knows even when a leaf falls. That is possible because wherever you are is the center of the universe. Wherever any atom is, that is the center of the universe. -Mellen Thomas Benedict

"Although we arbitrarily assign consciousness to only a few things in our current definition of what is real in this physical universe, it becomes clear in the expanded consciousness perspective that all form has consciousness. And all of consciousness cooperates to co-create and mantain what we think of as our physical world reality"-Natalie Sudman 

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