Thursday, November 27, 2014

Life is Wholistic

I really only wanted to create this blog to detail my experiential exploration spiritually speaking. However, this piece will be a little different, but yet pertinent to spirituality.

I've been looking for a good holistic nutritionist and I found one who does phone consultations as I am looking for someone to interpret hair mineral analysis to test for heavy metals and mineral imbalances. The woman I found does something called nutritional balancing which basically takes a person's entire lifestyle into consideration when interpreting lab results and offering nutritional advice. While I am going to sign up for a consultation with her because she's incredibly knowledgeable, I still don't believe that this approach alone is the answer to chronic health conditions.

It's kind of interesting when you look at the allopathic medical establishment and see how they treat patients. They treat every part of the body separately. They treat every health condition with a separate drug or approach. Heck, they have specialists for every body system! I work in the mainstream medical field reading medical charts for a living as a medical coder, so I see this every day of my life. A patient has congestive heart failure and Diabetes, and they are treated as two completely separate conditions, not taking into account the ultimate cause of both is likely the same. It's almost comical reading medical charts how very few in medicine consider questioning why patients reached the level of poor health that they are currently at in the first place. Nope, instead, just throw more drugs at the patients and enhance the notion of separation. This is how our society works. The Pharmaceutical industry absolutely has a stranglehold over mainstream medicine and often control many of the lab studies on drugs. I'll digress for now :)

Even the holistic health field does the very same thing sadly. Granted, they don't use drugs. They use herbs to treat every body system/symptom/disease separately. Again....separation.

Then, you have the other group of people who do understand that our bodies are whole organisms that need to be treated whole-istically and they understand how everything in our lives affects everything else including our toxic exposures especially here in the Western world. They approach  health from the perspective that the body/mind needs to be treated as a whole and they factor in that a spiritual lifestyle is an important complement to physical health.

Yet, all of these approaches are approaching health from a backwards perspective. Would you like to know why? No? You don't want to know why? Well, why did you ask? Oh, you didn't ask. Sorry. Basically, it's just me rambling to myself then. Well, I'll tell you anyway because I'm a nice guy....

All of these approaches take the perspective of the human body/mind and treat outward. Not taking into account that everything including the body/mind is already a manifestation of Pure Energy. If everything is already Energy, then essentially any health condition, is at the focal point, merely an 'Energy issue'. The physical ailments we find are merely byproducts of something energetically out of vibration largely from lifelong stress that has built up in the body. Stress is the number one factor in all chronic health conditions. Emotional stress in our lives gets stored in the body's memory cells and as a result, causes a breakdown in immunity in the GI tract (where 70-80 percent of the immune system is located) which then allows us to be more susceptible to dysbiosis (imbalance of bacteria in the gut), heavy metals, mineral imbalances, chronic infections, allergies and chronic fatigue. The gut is the physical health center of the body. Yet, Energy is the only actual health center since there is nothing, but Energy in reality. Your energetic projections (thoughts/emotions/feelings/most of all beliefs) are the precursor to all health conditions.

When emotions stemming from fear build up over time, the cells break down and immunity becomes a problem in the gut which then leads to every other potential health condition out there. Understand that from the greater perspective of totality, all of this is perfectly fine and you can do no wrong. Healthy or not healthy has no bearing on your true nature which is always whole and complete as Unconditional Love/Pure Being. But, relatively speaking, meaning, relative reality of appearances, meaning, the human vehicle of expression that you are experiencing through/as, we can't deny that chronic health problems exist, especially in the US. So, what's the solution?

Well, it's definitely not about positive thinking. I don't believe in positive thinking. I believe we need to wake up to who we are in the first place if we ever want to address healthcare in the way that it was meant to be addressed when we incarnated into these bodies. Wake up to the realization that we are Pure Potentiality as Being and we create our own realities by our own belief structures. Therefore, the future approach to healthcare needs to focus on a spirituality oriented paradigm and only then, can we address the body physically speaking as opposed to addressing the body first and foremost (which is only addressing the effects) with spirituality merely being a complement. This is why I believe schools should be focusing on providing spiritual studies for children, especially in the form of meditation at a young age, at least as an option. Let children see at a young age that they are not merely just their thoughts/feelings/emotions, etc. Like you and I, they are Brahman/Atman.

Getting away from the notion of separation is the only way to understand that true healing stems from a wholistic approach to life, but not merely in the context of the body/mind, but in understanding that wholistic in this context is in reference to life itself. There is only Being.....with an interconnected web of experiences with everything affecting everything else. There is not anywhere or anything that is separate, merely Being expressing itself in different ways. Everything is already whole. All separation only exists within appearance. Therefore, treating each body part or even each aspect of our experience (body/mind/soul) as something separate is missing the point.

As a result of all of this, I really would love to work in the whole-istic health and spiritual field in the future and really help people whole-istically to heal emotionally, physically and most of all, spiritually. Perhaps, I will become a teacher of sorts. Who knows what's in store for me.

On to my Thanksgiving lunch/dinner now with family

Much love to all

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