Saturday, January 17, 2015

Creating Change

A wonderful link from one of my favorite authors Neale Donald Walsch. I hope it resonates with you like it has with me as some friends of mine posted this yesterday.

The Little Soul and the Sun

Meaning, there is nothing bad that every truly happens in reality (outside of our beliefs that claim the opposite). Life is just an opportunity to explore and experience our nature through contrast.

I'm finishing Anita Moorjani's book 'Dying To Be Me' and it's a really great read and it made me think about how much is lost within our limited perspective in everyday life. How much we take for granted within our Loving experience. How we tend to be so caught up with our thoughts. Here's a wonderful excerpt from Anita's book on her new found look at life after returning from her NDE.

"Everything and everyone appeared beautiful, and there was magic and wonder in furniture, for example which had been with us for many years without seeming special in any way. After returning home, I saw beauty in the woodwork that I'd never noticed before, and I was able to sense the labor that went into the construction. I felt wonder at being able to operate my car again. I was in awe of the ability to coordinate my hands, eyes, and legs to drive through the streets. I was amazed by the human body and life itself."

Take a grain of sand. How often do we appreciate the incredible artwork of design that is....that grain of sand? Or a piece of wood as Anita describes above, and how the wood itself stems from another incredible expression of Being (a Tree) or the human body. The incredible depth of the largest human organ, the integumentary system (skin) and how there are gazillions of particles and cells that make up merely just a small fragment of skin alone, not counting all of the blood vessels that connect together to work synergistically in maintaining function of that area of the body and of the course the underlying organs of the human body which also work symbiotically to maintain homeostasis. Take anything in your experience and examine it closely. There's beauty at every level in the realization how there are multiple layers upon layers, upon layers at every level of existence intertwining with other layers all connected together in the web of Oneness to create what we now experience. It's only when we open up our perspective and are able to look at life through the wider lens where we can grasp more of the nuances/intricate details that occur in everyday life beyond merely just what our human senses can see in any moment.

And beyond our thoughts/feelings/emotions/beliefs about anything/everything, at the core, at every atomic and subatomic level and beyond, there is merely Being itself always there and only there. Nothing but Pure Love itself as unconditional as can be.

If you want to create/manifest change in the world, you don't need to go anywhere outside of yourself, but merely look inside of yourself and watch your reactions in re-lation to others. Your daily interactions with others are your tools to remember who you are and start making changes energetically by how you view and re-late to other people/things. Trying to save the world from the outside (physically) is good intention, but missing the point that all begins and ends energetically. Those who you view as your enemy are there for a purpose, so that you can see yourself in re-lation to them and remember who you truly are as your nature as it relates back to my last post below. When you remember who you are as your nature, you start to make the changes in the world from an energetic level from a place of Love. Change on the outside can only begin by change on the inside.

Your nature is Pure Awareness/Pure Unconditional Loving Being Consciousness which you can see by observing your thoughts/beliefs/emotions and making space for all of it to Be there. That space is you. Mindfulness is a wonderful practice. The more you realize that you are not merely just your thoughts, the more space you can create for your thoughts, the more Love you can see within your experience and the more intricate details you start to notice about anything and everything, outside of the limited lens of the human perspective. Widen those lens by being who you truly Being itself.

Love is all there is

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