Sunday, January 25, 2015

I am not just my thoughts

The incredible, profound, Loving realization that I am not merely my thoughts. Hit me again tonight.

I've been stressing over new job starting, lack of sleep from construction noise on the street. While all of these are evident in my life, my suffering from it, has stemmed from the belief in what each thought says about it.

I worry about everything in life. I've been a chronic worrier since I was a kid. Just ask my parents.

All of my suffering caused by the identification and belief that my thoughts were true. That who I was, was defined by my thinking patterns.

Yet, I am the witness of my thoughts and yet, I am also my thoughts.

I am whatever I perceive myself to be. If I want to induce suffering, I am only my thoughts.

If I want to awaken to the wider perspective of Love, then my thoughts don't merely define me.

Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg.

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