Sunday, June 11, 2017

Always Right

This ship's off course
Been led astray
That pot of gold
So far away

Mistakes abound
I cannot breathe
For every blunder
I'm left to seethe

The tide is strong
I'm falling down
I've lost my way
I'll surely drown

All contact gone
I cringe and fight
I am all alone
without a light

This earthy goal
I strive to fill
I must push forward
with all my will

Away I drift
so far from home
into darkness
The ship will roam 

Perfect I must
for if I fail
I'm left to ponder 
that ship that sailed

Yet, sail it will
and sail it must
as the wind blows out
with a mighty gust

The hours fly
It's half passed three
This current pulls me
Out to sea

The time has come
To say goodbye
This fight is over
It's time to die

I stand up tall
I open wide
It's yours God now
At least I tried

A thump so loud
The ship is rocked
I look way down
The ship is docked

I've made it home
I'm here alive
That pot of gold
I have arrived

So what is failure?
If not a dream
Just a detour
of a different stream

Perhaps the same
for life itself
for every road
leads to Ourself

Little poem I wrote tonight about 'feeling off course' in life. You can never get it wrong as all paths lead home one way or another. 


  1. Wonderful writing and use of words I think you've a knack for this Derek ;). Adam


Thursday Night Somatic Journey

This ache, this yearning. This familiar pain right here in the middle of my abdomen. It burns across my chest and it feels like my chest is ...