Another favorite Angelic tune from Iasos. Very relaxing and wonderful for meditating.
Here's the link-Iasos-Throne Realms
Much Love
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Solipsism vs. Non-Duality
Ok, it's time to talk about it. I had this discussion tonight with some people I'm friendly with on a spiritual internet forum which I am a regular. It's come to my attention that there are a vast number of people who are misinterpreting their own experience as 'enlightenment' when in reality, they are merely experiencing solipsism which is an incredibly dangerous path to enter. Let me explain.
Take your experience right now. Take your pointer finger and point it back towards you. Now, turn your attention 360 degrees back on to yourself and try to find yourself. Where are you? Who are you? What do you experience? What happens? Can you find yourself? When I do this, I only find existence itself. I am THAT as the book titled by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. I am not merely a person, but I am Awareness itself. I am 'All That Is'. Try the exercise.
So, in my experience of non-duality, there is no separation between any of the objects in my experience, because they are all objects appearing within consciousness, and how are my experiencing those objects? Through my human sense perception. There is only Consciousness itself and nothing else. The only experience I can possibly say of the universe, through this human vehicle, is through my human sense perception. There is no experience of any world, outside of my human perception. However, the problem arises when we claim that there is no world, period, outside of our human perception. This is far different than claiming that there is no experience of any universe. This is popular in western philosophy and Direct Path teachings. They take the direct experience of our human perception and label it as 'all there is', not realizing that human sense perception is incredibly limited. It's delusion and insanity.
Before we go further, let's stop and think for a second. If energy is the substance of the universe, then everything is energy from the smallest level of subatomic particles to the largest objects in planets and the universe itself. Therefore, everything within the universe can be said to be 'conscious' on some level because energy is expressing itself through/as every possible avenue of physical and non physical existence. Ultimately, from the grand perspective of life, there is only unconditional love, because everything on every level merely is allowed to Be it's own unique expression as it is. The expression through a human vehicle is of no more value to Source as the expression through a bacterium. Yet, the experience of a tree of course differs than the experience of a human being, while the experience of a cell or a bacterium differs from that of a dog. But, regardless, they are all conscious. So, if you consider that everything is energy, then in reality, there really is no external objective world because, what we call the universe is merely comprised of gazillions and gazillions and gazillions of co-creative perspectives of every living and non living thing. The entire universe is a co-creation of conscious energy, perceiving itself in various forms. It's only our narcissistic belief that human consciousness is the only avenue of expression. Basically, the center of the universe is anywhere and everywhere, because everywhere and anywhere, is always the center of existence since everything is connected to the same One Source that you and I are. When a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Of course! The trees, the particles that make up the trees, the ground, the wind, the sky are all there to experience it.
So, back to the topic at hand. Going back to your direct experience. There is no separation between anything in my direct experience. It's just one seamless whole Conscious experience. There is merely Being itself. It is only our thoughts that separate each object into distinct separate Beings, because we take the viewpoint of the body/mind vehicle in time/space. However, that is an illusion because reality is merely whole and complete prior to our minds stepping in and dividing reality up into separate parts. Yet, with that said, just because everything is one conscious experience, does not mean that the objects that appear within this conscious experience are not also experiencing. Granted, they are experiencing within the same consciousness that I am experiencing.
Think of it like a chessboard. Consciousness is the chessboard and each piece is a different expression within the same one chessboard. A pawn is a different unique experience than that of a King and a Queen is a different unique experience than that of a bishop. (I love chess, if you haven't noticed already).
So, it's the same in reality, in my direct experience, there is Being itself. Being, expressing itself through this human vehicle, while Being also expressing itself through the particles in the laptop I am typing on and Being expressing itself through the plants outside and the trees and the water. Being=Energy.
The solipsism crowd, does not take into account the experience of anything other than this very human expression. Therefore, they believe that a tree itself, only exists as human sense perception as do any and all other objects. Therefore, they claim that nothing actually exists because all of what we call 'objects' are really just made up of our sense perception. Of course, they don't realize that they are invalidating the very experience of a tree or a bird or anything by claiming it as an anthropomorphic human sense perception. They figure, if it's not in our direct human perception, it can't be said to exist. Again, it's delusion and insanity. Many of these people use this nihilistic insane path as a means of escaping their own unhappy realities. Yet, ironically, some claim it as enlightenment.
I hope I've explained the difference between solipsism and non-duality in my own interpretation.
Love to all
Take your experience right now. Take your pointer finger and point it back towards you. Now, turn your attention 360 degrees back on to yourself and try to find yourself. Where are you? Who are you? What do you experience? What happens? Can you find yourself? When I do this, I only find existence itself. I am THAT as the book titled by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. I am not merely a person, but I am Awareness itself. I am 'All That Is'. Try the exercise.
So, in my experience of non-duality, there is no separation between any of the objects in my experience, because they are all objects appearing within consciousness, and how are my experiencing those objects? Through my human sense perception. There is only Consciousness itself and nothing else. The only experience I can possibly say of the universe, through this human vehicle, is through my human sense perception. There is no experience of any world, outside of my human perception. However, the problem arises when we claim that there is no world, period, outside of our human perception. This is far different than claiming that there is no experience of any universe. This is popular in western philosophy and Direct Path teachings. They take the direct experience of our human perception and label it as 'all there is', not realizing that human sense perception is incredibly limited. It's delusion and insanity.
Before we go further, let's stop and think for a second. If energy is the substance of the universe, then everything is energy from the smallest level of subatomic particles to the largest objects in planets and the universe itself. Therefore, everything within the universe can be said to be 'conscious' on some level because energy is expressing itself through/as every possible avenue of physical and non physical existence. Ultimately, from the grand perspective of life, there is only unconditional love, because everything on every level merely is allowed to Be it's own unique expression as it is. The expression through a human vehicle is of no more value to Source as the expression through a bacterium. Yet, the experience of a tree of course differs than the experience of a human being, while the experience of a cell or a bacterium differs from that of a dog. But, regardless, they are all conscious. So, if you consider that everything is energy, then in reality, there really is no external objective world because, what we call the universe is merely comprised of gazillions and gazillions and gazillions of co-creative perspectives of every living and non living thing. The entire universe is a co-creation of conscious energy, perceiving itself in various forms. It's only our narcissistic belief that human consciousness is the only avenue of expression. Basically, the center of the universe is anywhere and everywhere, because everywhere and anywhere, is always the center of existence since everything is connected to the same One Source that you and I are. When a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Of course! The trees, the particles that make up the trees, the ground, the wind, the sky are all there to experience it.
So, back to the topic at hand. Going back to your direct experience. There is no separation between anything in my direct experience. It's just one seamless whole Conscious experience. There is merely Being itself. It is only our thoughts that separate each object into distinct separate Beings, because we take the viewpoint of the body/mind vehicle in time/space. However, that is an illusion because reality is merely whole and complete prior to our minds stepping in and dividing reality up into separate parts. Yet, with that said, just because everything is one conscious experience, does not mean that the objects that appear within this conscious experience are not also experiencing. Granted, they are experiencing within the same consciousness that I am experiencing.
Think of it like a chessboard. Consciousness is the chessboard and each piece is a different expression within the same one chessboard. A pawn is a different unique experience than that of a King and a Queen is a different unique experience than that of a bishop. (I love chess, if you haven't noticed already).
So, it's the same in reality, in my direct experience, there is Being itself. Being, expressing itself through this human vehicle, while Being also expressing itself through the particles in the laptop I am typing on and Being expressing itself through the plants outside and the trees and the water. Being=Energy.
The solipsism crowd, does not take into account the experience of anything other than this very human expression. Therefore, they believe that a tree itself, only exists as human sense perception as do any and all other objects. Therefore, they claim that nothing actually exists because all of what we call 'objects' are really just made up of our sense perception. Of course, they don't realize that they are invalidating the very experience of a tree or a bird or anything by claiming it as an anthropomorphic human sense perception. They figure, if it's not in our direct human perception, it can't be said to exist. Again, it's delusion and insanity. Many of these people use this nihilistic insane path as a means of escaping their own unhappy realities. Yet, ironically, some claim it as enlightenment.
I hope I've explained the difference between solipsism and non-duality in my own interpretation.
Love to all
Monday, March 23, 2015
I thought I'd write a blog post on this as I read an interesting article today from the worst website on the planet (elite daily). Ok, ok, not the worst website in reality, but they usually have stuff pertaining to 'how to please your man', and 'what I need to do with my life to be happy' etc. Yeah, ok, well maybe I can learn a few tips on pleasing my man...but, what's your point?
Anyway, the article was about a guy who stopped dating because he was fed up with the dating scene. The one part of the article I resonated with, was his perception of dating as 'a game'. It doesn't have to be, but it can be perceived that way in the modern urban dating culture. I understand his perception of it because I've been there too in the past when I was younger. You can start to become bitter when it seems like you can never win in the dating game. However, when I finally stopped 'dating' in the traditional sense, I started meeting and relating to people in a whole different context.
Dating used to seem like a game to me, that I often attained the prize and other times did not. I realized that dating was not merely just a game in my perception of it, but merely a form of manipulation of trying to get people to like each other, by putting on an act early on in the dating process to hide who we truly are. I couldn't possibly allow her to see my vulnerabilities early on. Much of what I've seen from not only my own experiences, but others as well is this:
Gee, I hope I don't fuck this up. Ok, I have to make sure I pay for her at the end of the date or she'll think I'm cheap. Should I kiss him at the end of the first date or not? How long should I wait to call her?.Basically, every choice built around...fear. Another game of the Ego. Fear is what dictates much of the dating culture today. Finally, I realized that I no longer cared about what the modern dating culture had to offer, in the traditional sense, because it no longer served me, where I was in my life. It seemed antiquated and built off of that low vibration of fear. Much of modern day dating is indeed, an incredibly low vibration centered around fear I've realized. We've stopped focusing on relating and instead gotten so caught up with how we will be perceived by each other. I stopped doing it and started meeting wonderful people I aligned more with including the girl I previously went out with and also people who also viewed relationships from the perspective that I did. People who were not afraid of Being who they truly are on a first meeting. Which means throwing all dating rules out the window. Stop worrying about how they perceive you and start noticing how you relate to these other people.....from love? or from fear?
My point is that, dating is still going to be dating, especially in large urban areas where you find much of the 'sex and the city' type of dating game dogma. But, that's not the only option of finding a companion. You don't have to go around being bitter and angry and complaining that women/men all suck and that you'll never meet anyone. You don't have to believe in the hype that the media incessantly throws our way. It's not true. It's only true for you, in your own limited perception of what dating is because you're conditioned to believe that meeting people can only happen if I date in the traditional sense of dating rules. If you believe that all women will only go out with you if you adhere to a strict set of dating rules, then that will be true for you and likely, you will only attract a certain type of person. Like attracts like. Your deepest beliefs will manifest most certainly in every experience of yours. Open yourself up to a larger perspective on life, a larger pool of people from all walks of life, a perspective built around love and what relating actually means from a deep, deep sense of self, and you'll start to realize that there is an incredible world of wonderfully amazing women/men out there that you never realized existed because you were so caught up in the dating game.
Anyway, the article was about a guy who stopped dating because he was fed up with the dating scene. The one part of the article I resonated with, was his perception of dating as 'a game'. It doesn't have to be, but it can be perceived that way in the modern urban dating culture. I understand his perception of it because I've been there too in the past when I was younger. You can start to become bitter when it seems like you can never win in the dating game. However, when I finally stopped 'dating' in the traditional sense, I started meeting and relating to people in a whole different context.
Dating used to seem like a game to me, that I often attained the prize and other times did not. I realized that dating was not merely just a game in my perception of it, but merely a form of manipulation of trying to get people to like each other, by putting on an act early on in the dating process to hide who we truly are. I couldn't possibly allow her to see my vulnerabilities early on. Much of what I've seen from not only my own experiences, but others as well is this:
Gee, I hope I don't fuck this up. Ok, I have to make sure I pay for her at the end of the date or she'll think I'm cheap. Should I kiss him at the end of the first date or not? How long should I wait to call her?.Basically, every choice built around...fear. Another game of the Ego. Fear is what dictates much of the dating culture today. Finally, I realized that I no longer cared about what the modern dating culture had to offer, in the traditional sense, because it no longer served me, where I was in my life. It seemed antiquated and built off of that low vibration of fear. Much of modern day dating is indeed, an incredibly low vibration centered around fear I've realized. We've stopped focusing on relating and instead gotten so caught up with how we will be perceived by each other. I stopped doing it and started meeting wonderful people I aligned more with including the girl I previously went out with and also people who also viewed relationships from the perspective that I did. People who were not afraid of Being who they truly are on a first meeting. Which means throwing all dating rules out the window. Stop worrying about how they perceive you and start noticing how you relate to these other people.....from love? or from fear?
My point is that, dating is still going to be dating, especially in large urban areas where you find much of the 'sex and the city' type of dating game dogma. But, that's not the only option of finding a companion. You don't have to go around being bitter and angry and complaining that women/men all suck and that you'll never meet anyone. You don't have to believe in the hype that the media incessantly throws our way. It's not true. It's only true for you, in your own limited perception of what dating is because you're conditioned to believe that meeting people can only happen if I date in the traditional sense of dating rules. If you believe that all women will only go out with you if you adhere to a strict set of dating rules, then that will be true for you and likely, you will only attract a certain type of person. Like attracts like. Your deepest beliefs will manifest most certainly in every experience of yours. Open yourself up to a larger perspective on life, a larger pool of people from all walks of life, a perspective built around love and what relating actually means from a deep, deep sense of self, and you'll start to realize that there is an incredible world of wonderfully amazing women/men out there that you never realized existed because you were so caught up in the dating game.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Lucid Dreaming
I'd like to share my experience with lucid dreaming and how close I am to having an actual OBE.
I haven't been sleeping great of late. I've been lucid dreaming a lot more so over the past 6-7 months. Early morning hours (usually 4-5AM), when I'm between awake and sleep states, sleep paralysis grips my body. Mind you, I've had night terrors since I was a little kid. When you have sleep paralysis, there is actual REAL fear that there is something/someone in the room with you because it's all so incredible REAL. So, when my body is gripped by this paralysis as I'm half asleep, it's horrifying, but then, there is an intense buzzing occurring in my ear. I know at this point, that I'm on the verge of having an OBE. I'm so excited that I'm subconsciously saying "I'm finally going to leave my body!".
The other night this happened to me....again. I went deeper and deeper with the buzzing and finally, I was flying. However, my physical body was asleep on my bed in my apartment, yet I was flying in my parents apartment in their bedroom and I knew so damn well what I was doing, that my intent was strictly on making myself fly and I did just that. While flying, there's no description possible to explain how free I am. I'm flying! I'm flying! That's all I can think about at the time. I fly from room to room. But, I never left my body this time. It was just a lucid dream, which is the stage prior to actually leaving your body. When you wake up and realize that you were feels really weird. I've had these experience since I was a kid and never realized that I've been lucid dreaming for years now. Not often, but every once in a while.
I've decided that I want to devote some practice to learning how to leave my body at will. I'm studying by learning about techniques used by some of the teachers at the Monroe Institute.
I've posted about this stuff before, but the more and more I experience it, the more I realize how close I am to actually exploring the astral realms. Remember, that other dimensions are only closed off to us, if we don't allow that area to be explored. I believe fear is preventing me from relaxing enough to take it from a lucid dream to the next stage of leaving my body outside of that one OBE that I had recently.
I will post my experiences here as new developments occur.
Much Love to all.
I haven't been sleeping great of late. I've been lucid dreaming a lot more so over the past 6-7 months. Early morning hours (usually 4-5AM), when I'm between awake and sleep states, sleep paralysis grips my body. Mind you, I've had night terrors since I was a little kid. When you have sleep paralysis, there is actual REAL fear that there is something/someone in the room with you because it's all so incredible REAL. So, when my body is gripped by this paralysis as I'm half asleep, it's horrifying, but then, there is an intense buzzing occurring in my ear. I know at this point, that I'm on the verge of having an OBE. I'm so excited that I'm subconsciously saying "I'm finally going to leave my body!".
The other night this happened to me....again. I went deeper and deeper with the buzzing and finally, I was flying. However, my physical body was asleep on my bed in my apartment, yet I was flying in my parents apartment in their bedroom and I knew so damn well what I was doing, that my intent was strictly on making myself fly and I did just that. While flying, there's no description possible to explain how free I am. I'm flying! I'm flying! That's all I can think about at the time. I fly from room to room. But, I never left my body this time. It was just a lucid dream, which is the stage prior to actually leaving your body. When you wake up and realize that you were feels really weird. I've had these experience since I was a kid and never realized that I've been lucid dreaming for years now. Not often, but every once in a while.
I've decided that I want to devote some practice to learning how to leave my body at will. I'm studying by learning about techniques used by some of the teachers at the Monroe Institute.
I've posted about this stuff before, but the more and more I experience it, the more I realize how close I am to actually exploring the astral realms. Remember, that other dimensions are only closed off to us, if we don't allow that area to be explored. I believe fear is preventing me from relaxing enough to take it from a lucid dream to the next stage of leaving my body outside of that one OBE that I had recently.
I will post my experiences here as new developments occur.
Much Love to all.
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Thursday Night Somatic Journey
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